June 30th, 2021 • 15 Minute Read

My ConvertBox Review for Coaches, Consultants, & Course Creators

Convertbox review

We’ll be the first to admit that there are countless ConvertBox reviews spread across the internet in part due to their lucrative affiliate compensation structure.

In fact, we’ll be transparent that as an affiliate partner, ConvertBox has been one of our top partners in our own business. That being said – we stand by the fact that we believe this is one of the most effective lead generation tools available on the market for online businesses if you are looking to capture leads and get more leads, experience higher conversion rates, and create targeting options that support lead to repeat customers visiting your site.

ConvertBox gives online businesses access to tools that help achieve better ROI through effective targeting of their audience, pre-customers, and customers who are visiting their website but have not converted. It offers a variety of features and benefits for coaches, consultants, & course creators who want the ability to convert their website visitors into clients or customers. It is an innovative and engaging tool that can replace other advertising tools. Rather than looking at the content in your blog posts, ConvertBox focuses on user behavior to better target customers based off of their wants and needs.

ConvertBox features a powerful tool that can do the work of several other programs in one. The high conversion rates demonstrated by this software means it could be an invaluable asset to your marketing efforts.

This technology helps you target and re-target your existing traffic with tailored offers. For example, you can create targeted popups in minutes that are designed around a user’s individual data profile. Ready to set up a professional pop-up in seconds?

Click here and you’ll see an example of what yours could look like with a quick demonstration of a ConvertBox opt-in form in action.

What is ConvertBox?

ConvertBox is a highly automated on-site email collection tool that provides targeted engagement with your visitors. It increases leads and sales by capturing emails in an easy way for you to manage them later, all without the burden of having people fill out more opt ins or answer questions when they just want to find what’s interesting on the site instead!

What makes it so effective is that the use of very smart on-site messages and compelling lead capture forms creates a more personalized opt-in form experience for your visitors. You are provided with multiple form types and sizes to choose from.

It Targets the Right Visitors

With ConvertBox, you can target website visitors with messages on our site based on their interests and activity. ConvertBox is the next generation of marketing automation. Rather than showing generic messages, it deploys highly tailored messages that push your specific visitors to take action and leads them through a tailored experience based on their CRM data such as site activity or referral website before presenting an offer in order to lead towards a more personalized experience for all customers.

It Collects Data with Custom Fields

Collect customer data by using ConvertBox’s custom form fields and use the power of automation to pass it on to your ESP/CRM with just a few clicks. Customizing your email collection form is as simple and straightforward as it gets. You have the ability to choose from a wide range of layouts, including full-page or modal forms.The drag and drop opt in forms builder is incredibly versatile and easy to use. 

It Creates A/B Split Tests of your On-Site Web Forms and Opt-Ins

ConvertBox allows you create as many variations of your marketing tests without any coding skills. Easily A/B test different versions of your lead collection forms from within the visual editor, and quickly see what will do the best for your audience!

It Segments your Customers and Leads

Create a survey to find out the goals of your visitors so that you know what they want. Ask them with multiple choice questions, use tags in order to segment and deliver personalized offers specific for their needs. You can then integrate your survey as part of your Optin forms to send this information directly into ActiveCampaign or your email marketing software / CRM of choice. This is particularly useful when creating segmentation funnels. 

Track Real-Time Analytics

ConvertBox , you can see what’s happening across your sites with detailed analytics and insights throughout every step of your funnel. This allows you to optimize for conversion at different steps where you may find room for improvement as you run various tests and experiments on your website. You are also easily able to integrate with Google Analytics for more in-depth conversion tracking and goals. 

Create Intelligent Message Rules

It is important to know your target audience when crafting a message for them. Results will be the best if you combine intelligent targeting rules with creative insights about what they want and need from you, which are derived by analyzing their current behaviors or past actions.

Creative insight on how to craft an effective message can come from understanding who it is that’s receiving your communication efforts through targeted analysis of metrics such as things like interests, preferences, habits etc., also known as “intelligent” targeting.” ConvertBox makes gaining these valuable insights and more importantly, acting on them almost effortless.

Create engaging on-site messages for every type of offer and sales process

With ConvertBox, you truly are only limited by your own creativity . You are provided with so many different ways to present new offers for visitors that are abandoning shopping carts or looking less likely to convert- such as discounts and time constrained sale prices – so that they’re continuously engaged in your website with more opportunities to accept your offer.

A Simple Dashboard to Manage All Your Website Campaigns

ConvertBox dashboards give you the power to monitor all of your sites at once, and with drag-and-drop functionality it is easy to organize everything within ConvertBox . This makes it extremely easy if you are using this tool to manage your client’s campaigns, in addition to your own.

With ConvertBox, you’ll cultivate a list of loyal subscribers with ease who look forward to having you in their inbox.

Effortless Integration with all your Favorite Marketing Tools

ConvertBox integrates seamlessly with all the major autoresponders, page builders, cart platforms and they have a highly responsive team who is constantly adding new integrations to their platform based on feedback they receive from users.

Some of our favorite integrations include ActiveCampaign  (for email marketing) and ThriveCart (for shopping carts), two of the other powerhouse tools our team couldn’t live without.

Quick 2-Minute Installation on all Website Platforms

ConvertBox provides you with a simple code snippet that you can copy and paste into your site or landing page building tool. If you are on WordPress, they also offer a plugin that you simple activate to get up and running in minutes to track, target, and convert your website visitors.

Ways We Use ConvertBox to Support a Coaching, Consulting, & Course Creation Business

There are so many use cases with a tool like ConvertBox that has Swiss army knife like versatility. It’s truly on a short list of tools that I can say has been high and direct correlation to huge revenue growth. (The others being ActiveCampaign and ThriveCart) Here are just a few of those ConvertBox possibilities outlined to stir up your creativity and imagination:

Slide-in Opt-in Forms

The slide-in is a popular form of opt-in that many websites use to offer downloadable content like guides, cheat sheets, podcast companions and eBooks.

Slide-ins are generally most successful if they appear where the visitor is reading or listening to content, rather than in a spot that requires them to shift focus. They should be colorful and compelling enough for visitors notice it right away. Their effectiveness largely relies on how relevant the slide-in is to what readers/listeners want at that particular point in time–or not!

A visitor will more likely click into this form if it ties back nicely to what he or she was just giving their attention to before going onto another section of your site; make sure any related materials you’re offering are also right there for easy access!

If you are creating multi-step opt-ins you can also add a simple progress bar so that your prospect feels a sense of momentum and is less likely to abandon the form. 

Exit-Intent Page Overlay

ConvertBox Exit-intent pages are a great way for websites to retain visitors and promote their products or services at the same time. Exit-intent pages can be created with two different looks – either as standard modern lightbox overlays, which are clean, minimalistic ads and visually appealing; or as dark full screen takeovers that tend to convert better than other methods of exit intent on most sites. The countdown timer feature is also excellent for letting your prospects know of any impending deadlines. The ConvertBox lifetime deal is one of the most effective offerings we utilize for cart abandonment, especially when paired with ThriveCart.

Click-Triggered Links

When clicking a link, or image within your website page, ConvertBox trigger links introduce opt-in forms where people can subscribe to get updates or downloadable content, making it easy for you to promote training courses, podcast notes, guides, or limited-time access to your services while also being able to control who sees which messages–leading to a higher rate of conversion!

Dynamically Converting Opt-In CTAs to Purchase CTAs

Let’s say you have a standard opt-in form on your home page to download a lead magnet, e-book, or free guide. Typically this would be the starting point for your sales funnel. If a prospect or pre-customer downloads this asset and then returns to your site, this is wasted real-estate as they no longer need to take that action to move further into a relationship with you. Instead, you could use ConvertBox to dynamically show a follow-up training or purchase offer in place of the opt-in so that your visitor is more likely to engage further as a result of the website visit, and ideally become a new customer. You could also redirect them a relevant blog post to encourage them to explore your site and offerings more deeply. Lastly, you could create “content upgrades” where your audience can unlock more content related to your blog post by providing an email address. 

Welcome First-Time Visitors and Return Visitors to your Site

At Empire Engineering we are all about personalization and creating deeper meaningful relationship with our pre-customers and customers (in fact we have a program dedicated completely to this idea called Automated Intimacy). Personalized messages can make all the difference when it comes to creating an experience where your pre-customers, and customers feel seen & heard. ConvertBox makes personalized on-site messages extremely easy to implement, which is one of the reasons we absolutely love this lead-generation tool.You can also segment visitors and direct them towards relevant content or specific blog posts based on knowing information about them such as URL parameters, referring URL, device type (show different experience for mobile devices), WordPress data, or ActiveCampaign tag data. 

Other Unique Ways We Take Advantage of the Lifetime Deal with ConvertBox:

Welcome Video Slide In

Part of what we teach in our Automated Intimacy program is how to align personal outreach at scale at various parts of the funnel (top / middle / bottom). One easy way to introduce some personalization into your site that highlights your personality is by showing a welcome video slide in to first time visitors. As a lead generation strategy, we would encourage you to tie a unique call to action to this video on your landing pages that encourages the reader to engage with you in some personal way after you capture their email address or phone number. ConvertBox makes it easy to integrate with your email service provider (we recommend ActiveCampaign for email marketing and as your one central point to capture and manage your collected leads) so that you are showing specific video content based on your contact’s tags and engagement data.

Header Sticky Bar

Utilizing a header sticky bar on your site can be an easy way to share relevant updates with your return visitors that help coach the conversion based on where they are in their journey with you. Another way to use a sticky bar is to announce a launch window if your online business only offers your products during specific times of the year. These are extremely easy to set up in the ConvertBox editor (check out the dynamic date range options).

Split Testing

ConvertBox split testing makes it extremely easy to optimize your opt in forms and declare a winner. At any given time we might be split testing multiple forms and pop ups that we use to collect leads. This innovate lead capture software allows you analyze your results by engagement and conversion as you target visitors with your message. You’ll be able to get site wide page by page reporting so you can make better decisions around the experience specific visitors are having as they interact with your brand.

Create Dynamic Quizzes

ConvertBox gives you the ability to create dynamic quizzes that rival those you can create on most “quiz specific” software platforms. They don’t really bill themselves as a quiz tool, but you can create powerful multi-step quizzes that can be personalized based on user response, with conditional branch logic. You also have the ability to log the quiz results of your prospects who have opted in directly into ActiveCampaign or your CRM of choice.

Full Page Pop Up Overlays with Optin Form

We like to use full page pop up overlays for cart abandonment that aligns with mid-launch bonuses that we might be offering at any given time. The ability to time these to a launch window (evergreen or live) is a really powerful feature that most tools don’t provide. One specific way we use this is to offer a lead capture experience that allows a prospect to “rain check” a discounted offer or bonus if they need more time to get to clarity on whether it’s the right opportunity for them.

Pricing – How Much Does ConvertBox Cost?

To get the same functionality as ConvertBox offers with their full suite of services, most providers charge an annual fee that is billed monthly. The average cost for these service packages start between $45-$120 per month.

OptinMonster, as an example starts at $588 upfront. That’s a big investment for sure!

Using ConvertBox alternatives like Thrive Leads for lead generation is a bit more affordable at $147/yr, however this still leaves you having to manage an annual investment. What if you could get all the functionality without having to pay ongoing fees for it? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the ConvertBox lifetime deal allows you to do just that. This special offer expires once they have launched on their website and will switch over to monthly payments like most other apps out there.

This is one of the things I love the most about ConvertBox. I purchased this tool almost 4 years ago, and haven’t paid a penny since even though I continue to get more and more value from the software as my online business grows.

ConvertBox has easily provided way more value than any other lead generation or opt-in tool I’ve ever experimented with, and this is just one of the reasons it’s such an easy tool for me to recommend.

It also has a strong user based of thousands of savvy online marketers. They aren’t going anywhere, so investing in ConvertBox is a very safe bet at this point. Overall, they do a great job of maintaining a regular development cycle and releasing new features to their users.

If you are looking to grow your online business through the power of on-site segmentation and personalization, ConvertBox should be the number one choice to add to your toolkit in 2021.

*please note that this article includes affiliate links and I may receive compensation if you decide to become a ConvertBox customer. That being said, I stand by the fact that the ConvertBox lifetime deal is easily one of the best value, high ROI tools we have purchased in our own online business here at Empire Engineering. I encourage you check out the limited lifetime ConvertBox pricing while it continues to be available. It’s great not to have to add any additional monthly charges to your marketing stack. While there are many ConvertBox alternatives on the market, we haven’t found one that is a better suit for our needs.

Who is Philip R. Powis (The Wizard)?

Philip R. Powis is a marketing and automation wizard who has worked with high-integrity leaders like Jonathan Fields (Good Life Project / Sparktype) and Leo Babauta (Zen Habits) + Ecom unicorns like Samovar Tea. He has grown consulting businesses to north of 100K/month using automation strategies and ethical selling.

About The Author

Philip R. Powis

Philip R. Powis (the wizard), is an entrepreneur, business coach, mentor, and co-founder of Empire Engineering.
